Well Max Callus Peel Treatment
Do you have hard calluses that have built-up from over the winter months on your heels? And you are not sure on how to remove them and not happy about the way they look?
Well don’t panic! Here at Lucia Hair and Beauty we carry out this service in a maximum of 25 minutes. That’s all it takes to get those heels looking and feeling their absolute best.
Using the Well Max branded products, the foot pad that is placed over the heels, helps to melt the hard skin away, to which the skin will be shredded off with a sensitive foot tool. The heels are then rasped, to remove any remaining hard skin that’s left over. The treatment is then finished with a clean-up and a deep, nourishing callus peel moisturiser.
Callus peel treatment £12, or add a callus peel onto your pedicure for a full price of £32.